Hubble has spotted a black hole moving through the Milky Way

New information captured by the Hubble telescope appears to indicate the presence of a moving black hole. According to data published by the media Smithsonian Magazinethe object hovers around our galaxy, the Milky Way, Approx. 107,826 or 160.934 kilometers per hour.

The alleged black hole will be about 5,000 years old The distance of the light from the ground, attached to the above medium. In addition, Kailash Sahu, an astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute told NEWSWEEK Reasons why they think it’s something like that.

Our discovery of a black hole is consistent with theoretical calculations that there should be about 100 million black holes in our galaxy.

Therefore, assuming that black holes follow a star-like distribution, one would expect, statistically, that the closest black hole might be about 80 light-years away.

Kailash Sahu, astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute

Scientists are not entirely sure of its nature

NASA's black hole
picture Container

So far, it is assumed that it could be a black hole, according to data obtained by the Space Telescope Science Institute. The reason is simple: researchers’ calculations show this This object has a mass of 7 Solar. This is consistent with the description of a black hole.

However, a team from the University of California got very different results. According to their calculations, The mass of a celestial body is between 1.6 and 4.4 solar masses. This may indicate that instead of a black hole, Hubble would have discovered a neutron star.

data published by NASA on the basis of those acquired by the Space Telescope Science Institute. a) yes, In their posts they see it as a black hole This roams free in our galaxy.

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Moreover, this last Explain how these kinds of things are formed Moving. Something that, until now, scientists have been able to theorize, but not captured directly.

The black holes that roam our galaxy are born from rare monster stars (less than a thousandth of the number of stellar stars in the galaxy) at least twenty times larger than our sun. These stars explode as supernovae, and the remnants of the core are crushed by gravity into a black hole. Because self-detonation isn’t exactly symmetric, a black hole can shove through our galaxy like a cannonball.


How to detect a moving black hole

NASA James Webb
Microgravity lens. picture James Webb Space Telescope (web)

First of all, we must make it clear that photographing oneself is not possible. These are things that are not visible to the human eye.It absorbs all the light that may be around it. Because of this, finding one is quite an odd thing, now imagine finding one that doesn’t stay constant.

What scientists do know is that as objects travel through space, a phenomenon called microgravitational lensing occurs. When the hole passes in front of the star, the light is distorted. Thus, depending on how the light changes, scientists can estimate the size of the object causing the event.

This is the first floating black hole or neutron star discovered using a gravitational microlensing. Using the fine lens, we can examine and weigh these single, compressed objects. I think we’ve opened a new window on these dark things, which can’t be seen any other way.

Jessica Lu, part of the UCSD team

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