How to set Max button on remote control

In this guide, I explain why the HBO Max button on your Android TV stops working and how you can fix this issue.

How to set Max button on remote control
Remote Control with HBO Max Button

HBO Max and the catalog are history. That doesn’t mean all of the content on the platform is gone. In fact, it’s now been integrated into Max, which also includes TV series, movies, and shows. Discover +Whatever the case, after changing the platform, many users faced a problem with their multimedia devices: the HBO Max button on the remote control stopped working. Why does this happen? What can you do to solve it?

In the following article, I will provide you with all the answers on this topic. I will explain to you the reasons behind the presence of the HBO Max button on the remote control. Not compatible with new Max app What steps can you take to solve this problem?

The HBO Max button on your console no longer works: Here’s why

Despite the similar name, there are notable differences between HBO Max and Max. If you click on the previous link, you will be able to see the differences between both platforms. The important point is that one of the aspects that changed after the merger of HBO Max and Discovery+ is that now The service includes a completely renewed application..And I don’t just mean updating.

How to set Max button on remote control

Max replaces HBO Max with new content and look

HBO Max customers forced to download a new app on their devices Continue access to the service. So this is the first point you need to be very clear about: Max is a new app.not an update to HBO Max.

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Which doesn’t lead to the second point. What about direct access to HBO Max from the remote on some smart TVs? Why hasn’t it been updated? Here are some reasons:

  • ApplicationThe HBO Max button on the controller is actually a shortcut to the app. This is a system-wide configuration.
  • AgreementsObviously, as with the Netflix button, its presence on your TV or device remote is the result of an agreement between the manufacturer and the platform. And of course, since Max is a new entity, there may not be any updates to change the abbreviation from HBO Max to Max.
  • carelessnessEven if the agreement could include a change in the remote shortcut, the manufacturer of your Android TV likely won’t even realize the need to fix this bug, which is a result of migrating the original platform to Max.

Luckily, As always we are talking about Android TV. (Apple doesn’t include platform-specific buttons on the Apple TV remote), and the user has more freedom of customization. That includes, of course, tweaking the controller’s shortcuts.

Fix HBO Max Button Issue on Console Step by Step

To solve this issue caused by migrating from HBO Max to Max, you need to download the app Buttons layoutIt is available for free at Play Store It is fully compatible with Android TV, although it also offers some features for mobile devices.

The first thing you need to do to set up this tool is to install it. Do this from the Play Store on your TV or the section Applications From Google TV.

How to set Max button on remote control

On the Google TV home screen, go to Apps.

Next, use the search engine to find the application file. Then enter it and press Fixed.

How to set Max button on remote control

Download this app on your TV.

When the installation is complete, access the tool. You may need to activate it. Buttons layout In section Accessibility From Android TV settings. This is necessary because it allows the app to detect controller touches and apply the action the user wants to them.

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Once you’ve completed this process, it’s time to go back to the Button Mapper and click on the option Add buttons.

How to set Max button on remote control

Add a new button to reassign a function to it.

Then press the button additional which you will see in the lower right corner. After that, a message will appear on the screen asking you to press the button on the controller you want to add. Click on the HBO Max button and then choose Add.

How to set Max button on remote control

You’ll have to press the HBO Max button for the app to detect it.

Finally, select the option 1 touch In the list, locate the application. the aboveFrom now on, every time you press the HBO Max button on your controller, instead of opening this app, the next app will automatically open.

How to Use the HBO Max Button on Your Controller to Launch Any App

Using Button Mapper, I was able to unlock a great deal, especially in terms of customization. Although I recommend it on this occasion to restore the original functionality of the HBO Max button, the truth is that you can use it to modify the functions of any button on the controller.

For example, you can assign actions to long presses or double taps. It is also possible to use the button HBO Max To open other apps, such as Apple TV, dazen Or any other streaming service. What I want to say is that Button Mapper is a very versatile tool and I usually recommend it to those who want to customize the use of the controller on Android TV.

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