How to protect the bank card password in the ATM so that it is not copied?

Experts recommend using more complex passwords to avoid being scammed

Written by: Dora Alicia Miranda

the Tricks in ATM machines There are more every day, and some of them include practices like inserting cameras inside machines to be able to Clone cards and get passwords and other customer data, taking advantage of the fingerprints on the keyboard.

Cunning scammers, every day more sophisticated and intuitive to guess Security PIN of card holders.

It must be remembered that there is always that careless customer who has the typical set and, therefore, runs the risk of robbing a large bank.

What are the easiest to guess clues to deception?

To make the security PIN easier to remember, a large percentage of people use easy-to-remember combinations. One in four debit and credit card PINs is often guessed using only a list of twenty digits. This has been confirmed by several studies that raise red alerts among cyber security professionals.

One of the codes most frequently used by cardholders is “1234,” which is 11 percent of the codes that appear in the studies conducted.

So, such an easy combination, there are many other people trying to follow a pattern, and so they’re pretty obvious to experienced criminals. Some examples are:










Also a classic combination is: “2580”through the keys that make up the central column of the keyboard of an automated teller machine.

Experts recommend changing Bank PIN With a more random group, if one of those groups is the one we currently have, as it will be much more difficult for criminals to hack it.

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