How to increase governance using behavioral science? | Economy | News

A study developed by the Silicon Valley team concluded that “the absence of conflict does not imply harmony. It is indifference.”

Every government – company, institutional, family, municipality, national – needs judgment (understood as the social environment in which it is accepted and cooperates with the work of that government).

But what happens if we turn the phrase?

Daniel Kahneman calls the “analysis.” Before death To practice standing in the future and looking back. This exercise – common in some companies – avoids the hindsight bias and is easy to predict.

If every government needs a rule; So what is preventing the system from obtaining it?

Being reductive, by 2021, the five causes will be: low legitimacy; Lack of institutionalization and low compliance with law and regulations; The tension between the social agenda and economic demands; Little geographic and production integration between generations; And there is no customary consensus.

How do we solve it?

1. Shared vision.

The key is to empower people by focusing their attention on a shared vision. Besides the peculiarities of the microcosm of every citizen, like you, there is a common spirit of tricolor.

In Ecuador it would be easier than I thought.

2. People-centered government design.

As with any design process, the policy delivery system must be people-centered. Human centered. Mike Cooley also argues; In his article “On the coexistence of man and machine(2008), Putting people ahead of other resources.

Interest groups are human beings and are not of this kind of rational, selfish exaggeration.

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3. More constructive discussions.

Australian organizational psychologist Karen Jane argues that there are two types of conflict: relational conflict and task conflict. The former is related to interactions between people. The second concerns dynamics and content.

Conflict in relationships focuses on people and their emotions. As a result, efficiency and creativity decrease. Adam Grant, inThink again(2021) proposes to frame the differences in the form of debates, not discussions.

Arguments can be hostile and personal.

Discussions are about topics, not emotions.

A study developed by the Silicon Valley team concluded that “the absence of conflict does not imply harmony. It is indifference.”

If conflict is ingrained in democracy, how to positively manage those discussions is key to governing a company or country. (or)

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