How to Apply for a Scholarship of 8 Thousand Pesos per Month for Postgraduate Students at EdoMex

The scholarship is awarded by the Government of the State of Mexico through the Mexiquense Council for Science and Technology (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The scholarship is awarded by the Government of the State of Mexico through the Mexiquense Council for Science and Technology (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Government State of Mexico (EdoMex) Various scholarship programs are offered to students of all educational levels In order to reduce the drop-out rate from school. across the Mexiquense Council for Science and Technology (COMECYT)Students who are pursuing a master’s degree or major in health sciences may request financial support from 8 thousand pesos a month.

To apply for this financial support, students must wait until the new call is posted to the following web address: in order to start the registration process. You should also be attentive to the EdoMex and Comecyt government social networks for the dates on which students will be able to submit the application with relevant documents and data.

The economic support of 8,000 pesos per month is aimed at students studying a master's degree or a major in the field of health sciences (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The economic support of 8,000 pesos per month is aimed at students studying a master’s degree or major in the field of health sciences (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

On the official COMECYT website, a section will open where the following documents must be attached in PDF format, which must be legible and less than 2MB:

current official definitionelse or passport)

Unique population registration code (corp)

– Proof of address (only water, electricity or property)

Title or professional licence

An official document proving the regularity of the applicant, where the overall rate must be determined

Recipe indicator

Curriculum plan, official postgraduate academic program or, if this is not possible, curriculum map

– Letter of application issued by a higher education institution in the State of Mexico

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Speech of activities and protest

Explanatory note letter

– order registration

The last four documents required for registration can be obtained at the following link:, which is the same announcement in which the results will be announced once the selection process is over.

Invitations to apply for CONACyT scholarships can be consulted through its official website (Photo: GRACIELA LÓPEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM)
Invitations to apply for CONACyT scholarships can be consulted through its official website (Photo: GRACIELA LÓPEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM)

For their part, they are Scholarships awarded by the Federal Government since then National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) For postgraduate students whose applications will be received from next August until November. Through the National Postgraduate Quality Program (PNPC) website. Once a registered program has been selected, the institution studying it should be contacted for the dates and requirements to complete the admission process.

Academic coordination will be the state empowered to carry out the scholarship process and submit each applicant’s application through the scholarship system of CONACYT According to the provisions of the call. The conditions for applying for the scholarship are as follows:

Enroll in a recognized postgraduate program in PNPC

Obtaining a minimum average of 7.80 in the direct prior studies level for the required studies within the country and 8.0 as a minimum for studies conducted abroad

– After the support was released CONACYT Before the person who aspires to apply and cancel the bank account in which the deposit was made

The scholarship will not be awarded to applicants who seek to pursue postgraduate studies at the same level obtained with the support of CONACYT or with resources from the Mexican government

Doctoral students may receive up to 4 UMAS per month (Photo: JUAN PABLO ZAMORA /CUARTOSCURO.COM)
Doctoral students may receive up to 4 UMAS per month (Photo: JUAN PABLO ZAMORA /CUARTOSCURO.COM)

Scholarships will be allocated from the start date of the courses, as long as they meet the requirements in a timely manner.. The amounts allocated to specialized scholarship recipients will be about 9,179.6 pesos per month, for a master’s degree the amount can reach 10 thousand 327 pesos and for doctoral students 13 thousand 769 pesos.

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