How sloths can help medicine discover new antibiotics

Costa Rican sloths have been shown to have antibiotic-producing bacteria on their fur that keep pathogens in check that could make the animal sick. (AFP)

the bear lazy Scientists were surprised again: this time scientists from Costa Rica Check if these animals may be a key to Antibiotics From the future because their fur contains bacteria that in turn keep pathogens in place that can make them sick.

Researcher Max Chavarría, of the University of Costa Rica, discovered that these tropical mammals have a unique biome of insects, fungi, algae, and bacteria In a delicate balance that prevents diseases: “It is microorganisms that are able to produce antibiotics that allow the presence of pathogens to be regulated in the fur,” he says.

This discovery is published in the scientific journal environmental microbiology, It opens the door to whether these findings could make a significant difference to the future of medicine, especially given the resistance humans are developing to the use of antibiotics.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by the year 2050, it will be Antibiotic resistance It can cause 10 million deaths a year.

The sloth bear, considered a national emblem in Costa Rica, is facing a serious crisis maintain Because of its declining numbers, it is for this reason that the authorities have recently set up a sanctuary in Cahuita.

With information from Agence France-Presse.

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