How many nurses per doctor in Spain?

Spain is one of the European Union countries with the largest “doctors”That is, the percentage of doctors is higher compared to the number of nurses. Specifically, in our country there 1.3 nurses for each physicianbeing The European average is 2.2according to the latest report issued by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) with the European Commission entitled “A snapshot of health: Europe 2022. The state of health in the EU cycle”.

In fact, Only Bulgaria beats Spain, which has a ratio of 1.0, Being the European country with the largest number of doctors per nursing staff. Meanwhile, at the same level as ours Portugal, Cyprus and Latvia, also with 1.3. Outside the EU, but in the context of society, it is turkeywhich also shows a ratio of 1.3 nurses to every medical professional.

In the foreground, there are countries that double the European average, as in Switzerland, which has 4.2 nurses for every doctor. They follow him Finland s Luxembourgwith 3.9. Up close, hmm Iceland with 3.6; Norway s Belgium with 3.5, France with 3,4 f Slovenia And the Irelandboth also with 3.2.

Nursing shortage worries Europe

The same study says so Pre-existing shortage of nurses In countries like Spain Exacerbated during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in intensive care units, but also in other hospital units and long-term care facilities. However, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Commission note that “The demand for nurses is expected to continue to increase in the coming years Due to the aging of the population, many nurses are approaching retirement age.

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in Europe, The retention rate of nurses in the profession is a growing concern To avoid exacerbating current and future shortages. Concern about growing shortages in many countries has led to this Increase the number of students in nursing“although it will take a few years before the effect is felt.”

On average, in the countries of the European Union, there was 8.3 nurses per 1,000 residents in 2020up from 7.5 in 2010. Among EU countries, the number of nurses per capita was the highest in 2020 in Finland, Ireland and Germany. In some countries with relatively few nurses, eg Italy and Spain, “A large number of nursing assistants provide assistance to nurses.” In fact, In our country, there are 6.1 nurses per 100,000 inhabitants.

How many nurses are there in the European Union and in Spain?

Between 2010 and 2020, The number of nurses per capita has increased in most countries of the European Unionbut not in some countries that had already low intensity in 2010 (eg, Latvia and the Slovak Republic), the gap with respect to other countries and the average is widening.

In any case, “There are far more nurses than doctors in most countries of the European UnionIn 2020, there were more than two nurses per doctor on average in EU countries, with a nurse-to-doctor ratio of around four in Luxembourg and Finland.

The percentage is much lower in southern European countries, such as Spainand in Latvia. In fact, many countries have begun to implement more advanced roles for nurses to improve access to care, including ‘nurse practitioner’ roles.

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Although it may contain data, data or observations from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader to consult a health professional with any health-related questions.

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