How are Boris Johnson and Mario Delgado similar?

Boris Johnson and Mario Delgado look alike, but not by much.

One is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the other is the leader of Lopez Obrador’s government party. The Briton is more read and educated than the chief of Morena, but both are sarcastic.

Not in space, but in time, the two meet at an ironic crossroads.

The two would have to resign not because of their sarcasm but because they broke the laws.

Boris Johnson has apologized for violating the confinement rules he had ordered himself. Mario Delgado has an instantly fixed smile the moment he broke electoral law by presenting himself as a transport driver last Sunday.

At the moment there are clear differences in both cases. Boris Johnson was fined by the police. In the case of Mario Delgado, it will be necessary to wait for an investigation by the Electoral Tribunal for a crime classified as serious: transporting people to take them to vote in last Sunday’s referendum.

“I have paid the fine and I fully apologize,” the Briton said yesterday, stressing “I understand the anger” of disadvantaged Britons during confinement, and “I sincerely accept that people have a right to a better expectation.”

And Mario Delgado justified the violation of the electoral law: “It should have been done because they put a third of the vote, so it is not illegal.”

Delgado shared the effects of his crime on his social networks. “Do you want to vote? I’ll take you!” He read the windows of his truck. Smiling Delgado is pictured next to his truck. He also showed pictures of the elderly he had brought to vote, all showing their thumbs in ink.

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Scotland Yard has for months been investigating allegations that Johnson and his team members organized and attended dozens of parties during the 2020 and 2021 lockdowns against Covid-19, which has left more than 170,000 people dead in the UK.

The police also imposed sanctions on his wife, Kari, and his finance minister, Rishi Sunak.

The leader of the opposition, Labor Party Keir Starmer, immediately called for the resignation of the first and second man from the executive branch: “Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak broke the law and lied repeatedly to British citizens,” on Twitter.

According to a quick YouGov survey of 2,464 British adults, 57% believe they should both resign and 75% consider the Prime Minister knowingly lied about wrongdoing (AFP).

In Mexico, ahead of the vote, National Electoral Institute (INE) President Lorenzo Cordova said: “The law is very clear, anyone moving voters en masse to take them to vote with the purpose of influencing the direction of their vote, it is a crime and a serious crime.”

At the mention of Mario Delgado’s sarcastic angle, the Green Party can’t be left aside. In San Luis Potosi, he boasted of bringing in voters: “In the four regions of the state, the mobilization of green giants was observed, they actively participated in this democratic process,” the state party leadership reported (Reforma, April 11).

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What is certain is that Boris Johnson has been politically wounded. Many of his party members distanced themselves from him. In Mexico, no one asked Morena that Mario Delgado quit the party for a serious crime.

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They are the same, but the countries are different.

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Fausto Britlin Munoz de Cote

Consultant, Academic, Editor


He was a research professor in the ITAM Department of International Studies, published the referendum book on Twitter and was an editor and collaborator for several newspapers such as 24 Horas, El Universal and Milenio. Published in magazines such as Foreign Affairs, Le Monde Diplomatic, Life and Style, Chilango and Revolta. He is currently an editor and columnist for El Economista.

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