Honorable Mention of Granma University Doctoral Training Program in Educational Sciences (+Voice)

The University of Granma (UDG) Doctoral Training Program in Educational Sciences (UDG) has just been awarded the Excellence category, after a thorough evaluation process by the National Accreditation Board, and has become the only one of its kind in the province to achieve the highest evaluation.

Dr. Science Alexis Alvarez Cortes, Director of the Center for Education of the Educational Institution (CEdEG), emphasized that this collective outcome of the educational world of Granma requires more work to raise the quality of educational processes at all levels of education.

“It is the fruit of serious and committed teamwork, developed for more than 20 years by a growing and self-sacrificing body of physicians, led by a responsible PhD committee based at CEdEG Fausto Santisteban Pons, which appeared at the former University of Educational Sciences Blas Roca Calderío and that he continues his fruitful work today in the UDG’s new,” he said.

It highlighted the effort and dedication of more than one hundred alumni of this doctoral program and nearly eighty other current doctoral students, who are fighting with their teachers to achieve their goal and advance the scholarly standing of their university.

Also important was the efficiency of the administrative work of the institution in all its cases and working bodies, in the monitoring, follow-up and demand of its professors in doctoral training, as well as the work of the institutions participating in our program, viz., the Provincial Education Directorate and the University of Medical Sciences together with the Granma Postgraduate House, Highlight the manager on his Facebook profile.

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