Highlighting the legacy of Cuban leader Fidel Castro in Panama

The activities, led by the Antillean Ambassador to the Isthmus, Victor Cairo, also included a discussion at the diplomatic headquarters in which the statesman’s legacy was highlighted.

Members of the State Mission, the National Coordinator of Solidarity with Cuba, social organizations and the Martian Association of Cuban Residents of the Canal State, among other guests, participated in the commemorative events.

The best tribute we can pay today and always to Fidel is not only to learn from his examples, but to be like him, to fight for unity and love for our people, as they have indicated in various acts of remembrance of life and humanity. The leader worked in Boss.

In the 1950s, Fidel Castro led one of the most influential rebellions in Latin America and, with his victory, one of the most influential leftist governments.

As the founder of the first socialist state in the Western Hemisphere, the historic Cuban leader designed, directed, and implemented a foreign policy characterized by clear independence, global reach, and an internationalist teaching profession.

In addition, it promoted on a global scale the Third World’s fight against the current global economic order, in particular foreign debt, the waste of resources through military spending and neoliberal globalization.

He called for a policy of solidarity among the oppressed and respect for sovereignty within the Non-Aligned Movement, the organization founded by Cuba in 1961.

Its role in consolidating the revolutionary process; The economic and social transformations of the country; Developing education, health, sports, culture and science; Confronting American aggression and calling for unity in the region made him a global symbol of resistance.

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