Highlighting respect for human rights in Nicaragua

MANAGUA, July 12 (Prensa Latina) Nicaraguan lawyer for the Defense of Human Rights (PDDH), Darling Rios, highlights the model of equality and opportunity promoted today by the Sandinista government, whose hero is the family.

Speaking to the Revista en Vivo program on local television, the official noted that the issue of human rights in neoliberal governments has never been enough for the majority mired in poverty and government neglect.

He explained that before 2007, when the Sandinista executive returned to power, there was no policy for such rights, but rather a gross violation of them.

“While many people were left without access to education, health, work, a decent life, and housing, there were few who had privileged access to those that should be people’s rights,” it transpired.

He stressed that the model of direct presence in the country is now being promoted to ensure the company from the government to the family in neighborhoods and communities through various social benefits programmes.

Among them, he mentioned the family and community health model and the education model, which guarantees the integration of all, because they are diverse and participatory.

Rios noted that they from PDDH accompany families in neighborhoods and communities and talk about the rights of children, women, youth, and the elderly, among others.

Likewise, he referred to socio-productive programs that guarantee the right to work for thousands of Nicaraguans and respect the lives of families.

He stressed that “human rights, which were previously the privilege of the few, are today essential conditions of life and contribute to the human dignity of families.”

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