Hepatitis children UK: WHO warns new hepatitis is a ‘very urgent’ issue | international

The World Health Organization (WHO) Ensure that the increase in cases Childhood acute hepatitis Of unknown origin is a “very urgent” issue they bring ‘Absolute priority’.

“It is very urgent and we are giving this the highest priority and working closely with European Center for Disease Prevention and Control In management and coordination “, this Monday in Lisbon WHO Regional Director for Emergencies, Gerald Rockenshap.

The specialist in it Portugal by Comprehensive Health and Preparedness Review (UHPR) – A program to share resources between countries to prepare responses to public health emergencies – They explained that they had put in place a notice to several countries “to pay attention to this more specifically”, following the increase in reported cases.

“We are doing our best to quickly determine the cause of this and then take appropriate measures at the national and international levels,” he stressed.

The first ten cases of this acute hepatitis were reported by United kingdom to me World Health Organization (World Health Organization) on April 5, in children under the age of ten without previous diseases, and since then infections have also been discovered in Spain, Israel, Denmark, Italy, the United States and Belgiumamong other things.

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The age of those infected ranges from 1 month to 16 years, in most cases they do not have a fever, and none of them have viruses associated with these diseases. (Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E)According to the World Health Organization.

at Portugal, The country that has not yet discovered cases Directorate General of Health Announcing the establishment of a working body to monitor the situation.

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