Health Sciences celebrates its pattern with a conference call on Friday | Ceuta TV | Ceuta news

Next Friday, the College of Health Sciences will celebrate events on the occasion of its patron San Juan de Dios. Some of the events that, strictly speaking, should have taken place last Monday but the college decided to postpone them when it coincides with International Women’s Day.

In any case, the event will be closed electronically. Starting at 10:30 a.m., a multidisciplinary seminar on healthy habits will begin, which will be opened by the Minister of Health, Alberto Gitan. Later they will intervene Alejandro Gallan MercantAnd the Doctor of Health Sciences, will give a lecture on healthy aging and physical activity; Christina Casals Vasquez. Doctor of Health Sciences. Dietitian and BA in Physical Activity and Sports, who will address New developments in nutrition for health and Maria Isabel Tovar Galvez, Vice Dean of Student Internationalization and Extension, FCSS Ceuta, who will speak on health and care habits. Roundtable for the three and a conference on the history of healthy habits by the doctor at History Francisco Glicerio Conde Mora will be the last interventions, before the conclusion – by the Vice Dean of Students – and the Photography Contest Awards Ceremony

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