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Maintaining bone health is key to avoiding the dreaded osteoporosis, which manifests itself as low bone mass, which predisposes to fractures. This can be prevented through healthy lifestyle habits, such as eating a balanced diet and eating certain foods that increase bone density.

Bone health versus osteoporosis

Maintaining bone health is key to avoiding one of the most common diseases such as: Osteoporosis. This is a disease that affects bone tissue in a way that leads to a decrease in bone mass, and affects the quality of the microstructure and bone strength.

All of these changes are caused by a failure in the bone remodeling function, which affects their shape and the properties of their components, as well as the ability to repair microfractures and maintain bone density over time.

Osteoporosis causes osteoporosis, which is more susceptible to infection Fractures. The most common are vertebral, hip and wrist fractures.

There are different risk factors for osteoporosis, such as genetic, hormonal and gender factors. It is also associated with a healthy lifestyle, which includes an unbalanced diet, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and alcohol intake, as well as some medications and illnesses.

This is a common disease, especially in people over the age of 50. It is estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will develop osteoporosis in their lifetime.

Since this disease has a major impact on the general population, osteoporosis fractures have major implications for quality of life and associated morbidity and mortality, prevention and care to maintain bone density and delay or avoid osteoporosis through healthy habits such as eating.

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Healthy bone foods and nutrients

Among the foods that promote bone health are those that are rich in nutrients because they help Installing, repairing and maintaining bone mass. From them:

  • football
  • Vitamin D
  • match
  • iron
  • Fluorine
  • Manganese
  • magnesium
  • Boro
  • Silicon
  • Vitamina K.
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Vitamin C
  • copper
  • protein
  • Zinc

To avoid the risk of osteoporosis, you must maintain healthy habits, among them a diet that provides the necessary nutrients, such as these eight foods that we list below:

1.- Fortified orange juice

For those people who are not adept at eating dairy products, there is orange juice that is fortified with vitamin D and calcium. Additionally, its natural vitamin C content supports cartilage formation.

Additionally, it provides potassium, which boosts bone mineral density, and magnesium, which plays an important role in bone formation.

2.- blueberry

Blueberries are a source of vitamin C that the body needs to synthesize Collagen From the bone matrix.

The polyphenols in berries are a major type of phytochemical for bone health, such as proanthocyanidins (PACs), which can help reduce bone breakdown.

Also, a positive correlation was observed between a higher intake of blueberries and a greater amount of bone mass.

3.- Olives and extra virgin olive oil

Olives and olive oil contain polyphenols, particularly oleuropein, tyrosol and hydroxyerosol, which have been linked to good bone density.

4.- Dairy products

Calcium is the main mineral, along with phosphorous, which is found in bones. It is obtained from milk, vitamin D, magnesium and phosphorous.

Consuming dairy products can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis by providing the nutrients needed for their formation and maintenance, which reduces the rate of bone loss, such as proteins with a higher biological value.

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Lactose, the sugar found in milk, increases the body’s absorption of calcium.

5.- Avocado

Avocados contain boron, which helps the body absorb magnesium and make optimal use of vitamin D.

Half a cup of raw avocado contains 1.07 milligrams of boron, making it one of the richest sources of this very important mineral.

6.- Tomatoes

The Lycopene It is a powerful antioxidant found in foods containing red and pink pigments, such as tomatoes. This can reduce bone loss.

7.- Shiitake sitas

All types of mushrooms make small amounts of vitamin D naturally, after exposure to sunlight or a lamp.

In particular, shiitake mushrooms also contain copper, which has been linked to maintaining bone mineral density.

8.- Peaches

Prunes or prunes contain natural phenolic compounds that promote bone health by improving bone formation, while reducing bone breakage and enhancing bone mass.

What affects bone health?

Because at the moment it is mainly aimed at Preventing osteoporosisIt is best to maintain a balanced diet, avoid unhealthy habits, exercise, and maintain a healthy weight.

Through these measures, osteoporosis can be prevented, delayed or controlled. Once a patient has already experienced bone loss and osteoporosis, the goal is to avoid fractures, thus reducing the associated morbidity and mortality rates and increasing these patients’ quality of life.

There are some foods that are not recommended for bone health because they reduce absorption or increase the loss of calcium through the urine (calcuria). It is advised to limit your intake of the following:

  • Sodium-rich foods.
  • Spinach and other vegetables that are high in oxalate.
  • Certain infusions, such as tea, coffee, and mate.
  • Cola drinks.
  • Excessive alcohol.
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In addition, bone health checks should be performed, such as Bone density measurementEven more so in situations that have a history of early menopause or other associated risk factors.

The information was obtained from Very good healthAnd the The Medical Journal s Scielo.

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