HBO Max mini series that will make you remember Black and Black Mirror

Science fiction is full of movies and series that have become a must for fans of the genre. In the case of the small screen, there are two series that in the past decade have become the most popular venue. On the one hand, black mirror, which first appeared on British television and later acquired it Netflixwhich spawned more seasons and a movie, and on the other hand, darkThe platform’s first original German series, which was launched in 2017, and is considered one of its best titles.

While black mirror He is responsible for knowing how humans relate to technology, as he explained to look who found your production designer, Joel Collins, presents an image of a particular moment in the life of a person or society, dark Rely more on time and apocalypse episodes. Although it is difficult to compare both productions, and it is difficult to choose the best, there is a small series HBO Max It acts as a kind of synthesis between the two.

it’s about years and years, imagination made Russell T Davis, which focuses on the family to show how the years pass in the UK (and the world) due to technological advances. the same way that dark, this production has a totally apocalyptic perspective. At the same time, as we have seen in Seasons black mirror, pauses to show how elements such as virtual reality and social networks change human behaviour.

The aspect that distinguishes years and years Among the remaining political fantasies. output from Davis He delves deeper when it comes to the letter, and in the form of satire, questions the behavior of the political class. In this sense, he knew how to anticipate the wave of right-wing parties that began to rule all over the world (even before the arrival of Donald Trump), as well as was able to predict the arrival of deep fake, but to show the risks they could be exposed to on the world of politics.

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What are the odds of seeing another season of years and years

although years and years Final ending, it might be thought that there is room for story continuation. Today, most fairy tales are seen as epic or franchises, and if not with a new season, they expand with a spin-off. However, this does not appear to be the case for the productions seen in HBO Max Since then, according to the actress T’nia Miller In an interview with look who found, a Davis He does not like to think of his series in more than one season.

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