Harmony students march to highlight the importance of science – El Sol de Hermosillo

In the framework of World Earth Day, students of the University of Sonora (Unison) held a peaceful march to highlight the importance of science.

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Minutes after 5 p.m., about 70 students left the Sonora University Museum to walk toward the Government Palace.

Francesca Rentria, an undergraduate physics student, noted that the walk aims to highlight the contributions of science to everyday life.

In the same way, it also seeks to raise awareness in the governmental authorities so that they strengthen public policies in the face of the climate crisis that the planet is going through and take care of the environment.

“Science is very important and the government should be involved in it. It is about celebrating the sciences and thanks to that we have health, we have technology and good education, and often we don’t appreciate it. This is not local,” the student said.

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It must be remembered that this march has been taking place since 2017, and it is a non-partisan movement and aims to celebrate science and its importance in everyday life.

For this reason, students from various science-related professions seek to put their finger on the issue of environmental problems.

“We know the problem is there but sometimes we don’t raise our voices,” Francesca said. “The first step to something that needs to be resolved is to make the problem visible. We still have time to stop the climate crisis and not have such catastrophic consequences.” Rentria.

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