Halloween is taking over the UK in style

Britons spend the equivalent of €750 million on Halloween every year


The Brits are increasingly willing to show that they have nothing to envy their American cousins ​​when it comes to Halloween extravagance…

This party is victorious over the Europeans, and perhaps the United Kingdom is the best example…

Britons spend the equivalent of €750 million on Halloween every year.

This is clearly visible in London: both citizens and businesses devote their efforts to decoration.

“It’s very extravagant, yes! When there is something, there is a lot, not just a few, but a lot with pumpkins everywhere, ghosts, decorations in the houses…” says a French tourist.

Daniel Argenio, beauty salon owner: “It’s great advertising for my hair salon, look, there are a lot of people who come and take pictures and when the pictures are posted on Instagram, it’s unbelievable!”

The city of Londonderry, in Northern Ireland, witnesses the largest Halloween celebrations in all of Europe. The festival, which includes concerts, fireworks and a dazzling mask parade, attracts about 100,000 visitors every year.

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