Google will remove your photos from this app on July 19th

Google is about to remove the Album Archive, which is a storage space Linked to the Hangouts chat app Used by millions of users around the world.

What is curious is that in this file you can find photographs dating back years, which means that by clicking on the link you can discover old conversations in which multimedia content was shared.

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It is important to note this This file is in no way associated with Google Imagesso you don’t have to worry, because Google Photos is still independent.

The date Google chooses for Delete all content from Album Archive on July 19, which means that there are only two days left from today. To access the website and discover past Hangouts conversations, just click on the “Albums Archive” in Google.

It is important to note that this space is only available through the website, and Downloading is done through the advertisement at the topwhere it should Click “Go to Output”.

Once you get to the download page, You must select the file to download in zip format, which will allow access to all your saved conversations and media. This provides an opportunity to save any images that might appear unexpectedly in a Hangouts conversation.

Moreover, it is important to highlight this This download will also include files left on Google+, the social network that failed to compete successfully against Facebook and other platforms. If Google were more consistent and He was going to keep his focus on Google+I might have a chance.

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With this work, it seems It’s time to say goodbye to Hangouts and Google+ for good. These two services had their moments, but they finally died due to Google’s constant diversification and transformation, which was sometimes helpful and sometimes not so, as in these cases.

Now all that remains is to review this space, Perform the export and wait a few hours or days to receive the download email It contains all the archived material, something that will certainly surprise those who thought they had lost those memories in memory.

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