Google warns of security holes in Chrome browser

Last Wednesday, service company InternetAnd GoogleIssue a security alert to those using your browser Chrom in a windowsAnd macOS s linuxAmong other operating systems.

This warning appeared on one of the official Google pages, and it was detailed that the developers of this platform identified a flaw that makes it vulnerable at a high level, a problem that hackers exploit.

To try to fix this vulnerability, the company has released a new update for Chrome; However, he did not elaborate on exactly when it will be available so that users can implement it. So, if you wanted to protect your data as of today, that wouldn’t be possible.

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What can I do to improve Chrome security?

What you can do at this time to avoid threats that could damage your computer or steal your personal and financial data is to keep your browser up to date, so you can open the search engine homepage, look for the configuration icon, click on the Help section and choose the About Google option Chrome. On the page that shows you, you should check that your Chrome version is 98.0.4758.102 or more advanced, so that you can browse calmly, as you will be protected. In case the latest version is not ready yet, it is better to check it constantly until it appears.

When you can see and activate the update, remember to restart Chrome, either by closing the application or restarting your computer. When you open it again, the patches should have already been updated.

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Nowadays, data breaches are very common and the security vulnerabilities discovered by Google have become one of the most dangerous. It should be noted that you should not trust that your operating system is less vulnerable to threats, the damage detected by the company affects all systems equally.

According to the statistics of this company, the Chrome browser, whether on computers or mobile phones, is used by about 3.2 billion people around the world, which makes it the ideal target for those who dedicate their efforts to account hacking and data theft.

In addition to its security flaw, Google loses the sympathy of many Internet users, since they comment that its results are of low quality, many of them are outdated and the algorithm traps them in a bubble in which they always see the same thing. What is your opinion? Is Chrome the best browser or are you considering using a different browser?

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