God. Science. New magazine tests

Michel Yves Bolloré. He is a computer engineer, holding a Master of Science and a Doctorate in Business Administration from a Parisian university.
Olivier Bonassis He graduated from the École Polytechnique and graduated from the HEC Institute of Higher Studies in Commerce in Paris. He earned a degree in theology.


Michel-Yves Bolloré and Olivier Bonassis: God. Science. the exams. Tightrope walking, 2023

God and knowledge. traditional. Among other precedents, the scholars Igor and Grishka Bogdanov wrote, years ago, with this title, a very engaging and suggestive interview with the distinguished Catholic thinker Jean Guitton. This highly recommended work was based on the idea of ​​Louis Pasteur who headed the book: “A little knowledge separates us from God. So much, it brings us closer to Him. This idea seems to have been reaffirmed in the latest sciences, especially physics and, in this field, cosmology. This book is by a computer engineer with a master’s degree in science and an entrepreneur with a degree in theology, starting on the same budget, but with greater ambition or more pretensions.

They are not limited to saying that the latest physics a point also She suggests The existence of a creative principle of a “hyper-mathematical mind” behind the universe which corresponds to what people used to call God. They argue more forcefully that modern science, whether physics or biology, They test The existence of God. They are not limited to that either, but rather they adhere to it, with a difference certificateThe divinity of Jesus Christ and the reality of the miraculous apparitions of the Virgin in Fatima.

The aim of the book is to “bring together in one volume an up-to-date balance of rational knowledge regarding the possibility of a Creator God”, and “to provide an overview of the evidence for the existence of God, with a preference for those that come from God.” Modern scientific discoveries. Among these certificate Those relating to the so-called fine-tuning or beginning of the universe occupy a prominent place. “If the universe had a beginning in time, it is because there was also a cause that preceded it.” “The absolute beginning of the universe appears to be a meeting point between physics and the external creative cause of the universe.” “The Standard Model Big Bang is part of the evidence for the existence of a Creator God,” the authors write. On the other hand, the twenty numerical values ​​(gravity, electromagnetic force, strong and weak interactions, speed of light, Planck’s constant…) that constitute the fine-tuning of the universe, or are the result of chance, do not. They don’t seem plausible, or they “come from the complex calculations of a very wise Creator God.”

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Despite the book’s central thesis—that science supports the idea of ​​God—the authors recognize that “great scientists, curiously, resist coming to the conclusion that, without being properly scientific, it is still entirely rational.” Having that creative reason. They admit that “new evidence for God’s existence” will take some time to take effect, as has always happened with scientific discoveries. “If scientists have less faith than the rest of the population, it may simply be because of the higher standard of living,” rather than because of their status as scientists.

“It was done (sic) with the help of twenty specialists.” The volume contains a substantive interest in the subject and a review of some of the issues of cutting-edge science. It is harmed by the discrepancy derived from the aforementioned ambition (which led the authors to include more than fifty pages devoted to the persecution in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany of theories supporting the existence of God, a hundred quotations from major scholars, brief chapters devoted to the beliefs of Einstein and Gödel, and broader chapters on “facts that do not “humanly achievable in the Bible” or the “destiny beyond the intolerable” of the Jewish people) and a hard-line tone, evident in phrases such as: “For atheists, the Big Bang theory quickly became the enemy to be overthrown. ‘The scientists had to be silenced’ “Who were exploring and publishing findings related to the Big Bang at any cost.

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