GO Forum disrupts the way entrepreneurs think – El Sol de León

GO Run Your Mind Forum, the best business learning space in Latin America, with trends in the digital world to reach international markets, to be held approximately from October 13-14.

Luis Rojas Avila, General Manager of Coordinadora de Fomento al Comercio Exterior (Cofoce), highlighted the importance of activating minds and bringing benefits that help companies grow. In less than two years, the world turned 360 degrees that changed the way we transport, buy, sell and live.

He commented that the pandemic represents a turning point for humanity seeking to recover faster from its scourge. Through exports and digital trade, the state agency seeks to create greater wealth and well-being in Guanajuato’s micro, small and medium enterprises, and activities together shape cross-border e-commerce (cross-border digital commerce).

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He said that 50% of humanity currently has access to the Internet and by 2025 there will be more than five billion connected users, demonstrating the potential that exists with the use of digital tools that he expects to boost the global economy in a growth of more than 5%.

He explained that the exponential growth of e-commerce with an increase of 27% over the past year worldwide, as nine out of 10 people made purchases online, and one in five online transactions was identified as an international transaction, and challenges are turning into opportunities great.

field of study

GO Turn on your mind Forum is a space with the best trends in the digital world to reach the international markets, with global minds offering conferences and workshops to attract buyers and the keys to growing business online.

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It highlights the participation of marketing legend, Seth Godin, who will reveal the importance of how to monitor and then how to take the product to the next level of competitiveness.

In the circular economy, they will know how the European Union and other countries like Japan are preparing to compete through this new trend, particularly in industries such as the auto sector, auto parts, fashion and food.

They implement new business models

There are more than seven thousand people connected through the digital platform, from different regions of Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean and North America, who have the presence of foreign trade promotion associations, as well as chambers and trade organizations in the state and national as well as representatives of the embassies of Mexico with Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany and Sweden United States, Canada, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Pakistan, China, United Arab Emirates and Australia.

They promote adaptation and digitization

Mauricio Osabiaga Diaz Barriga, Head of the Secretariat for Sustainable Economic Development (SDES), commented that the Go Forum is a virtual space where they will find strategies, content and actions to enhance the adaptation of companies to new business models with concise, current and innovative ideas, under a global, financial, collaborative and participatory perspective.

He said that the current conditions of the economy, its revitalization and recovery, health emergency factors, the speed of technological changes and the way of doing business and everything that a competitive society requires, require urgent changes, before the new economic reality of companies that promotes high productivity, competitiveness and effective and efficient performance, taking into account innovation In business models as a central focus.

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