G20 ministers call for digitization for strong recovery – Prensa Latina

The meeting, convened by Italy as the current chair of the group of 20 most industrialized countries on the planet, concluded with a final declaration inspired by the need to increase digitization to meet the main challenges of the post-pandemic period.

the changing nature of skills; ethical principles and values ​​in research and higher education; A common understanding of digital spaces was a central theme of the document.

Delegates called for the development and sharing of best practices, in both research and higher education, to foster the growth of a digitally trained workforce.

They also affirmed the commitment to continue working to define the ethical principles and values ​​needed to shape inclusive, resilient and sustainable societies through open education and science initiatives.

They also acknowledged that international research cooperation is very important for the development of science and technology, while facing social and global changes that a country would not be able to face on its own.

In this regard, they commended the importance of the Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers, prepared by UNESCO, and the Recommendation on Access to Data for Research Funded by Public Funds, issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

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