“For the first time in 25 years, we have reduced the shortfall to 3%,” Maduro says on the subject of accountability.

On Thursday, January 12, Governor Nicolás Maduro presented the growth figures of the social sphere before the 2020 National Assembly plenary session and in the presence of part of the country’s diplomatic corps.

“We reduced the supply deficit to 3% for the first time in 25 years, and we managed to put supplies at 97% with national and international products on the shelves,” Maduro said from Caracas.

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Chavismo Number 1 also confirmed that the employment rate is strengthening and highlighted that unemployment in Venezuela reached 7.8% during 2022.

Maduro has called on his economic cabinet to once again promote the youth chamber plan – a government program promoting a first job for young people – because he considers the project lost in time and space.

Food in Venezuela, according to Maduro

In his speech, Masduro emphasized that the country has made progress on the food issue. “Now in Venezuela, 94% of the food that is sent in the CLPS program (the food program of the Venezuelan government) is produced,” he said. According to the Chavista commander, when the program began, only 30% of the bag’s contents were produced in Venezuela.

Maduro insisted that the economic recovery that Venezuela achieved during 2022 has positive effects and justified this by reducing the population’s food deficit, which reached 7.7% last year. The governor admitted that in 2017 the food deficit reached 35%.

Public services

During his speech, Maduro acknowledged significant shortcomings in public services. He specifically referred to the issue of water and stressed that although complaints were addressed this year to restore supply, most of the problems in the system were caused by a lack of maintenance.

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“The water service, failing, is still a very serious problem across the country. They have been affected by the lack of investment. Part of the money that will be received after the agreement with the opposition will be invested in saving water,” he added.

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At the end of the speech, he subjected the dialogue in Mexico to the deposit of funds, which will be managed through a mechanism affiliated with the United Nations, which is being formed.

“Similarly, in the electricity sector, 82% of complaints were handled in real time and this allows us to improve the problem time to some extent,” Maduro said, without going into how many complaints were received or where they were filed.

Finally, Maduro insisted that by 2022 the Housing Mission had achieved its goal of handing over 4,400,000 homes, and that 1,237,000 urban land titles had been allocated. For its part, the Barrio Nuevo Barrio Tricolor Mission has rehabilitated 235,000 homes.

“We are drawing up a special plan, together, that will be activated in the first quarter and that will seek social equality in order to relaunch all the forces of the social model. To expand the presence of popular power in all economic and political fields,” he concluded.

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