For NASA, life on other planets is becoming increasingly possible

As explore space As our understanding of the universe progresses, new possibilities and challenges arise space colonization. In this sense, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)about discovery two planets out th System Solar, potentially habitable.

On which planets could humans live according to NASA?

It’s about two outer planets known as JG 1002 B. And c.located at a distance 16 light years away. These are her orbs similar size To the Land It revolves around a red dwarf star Within what is known as “habitable zone”. It should be noted that these planets, despite their distance, are considered close astronomically.

2 habitable exoplanets NASA.png

Because of red dwarfs They emit less glow compared to our products sun, The habitable zone in this case is closer to the star. So, JG 1002bthe closest planet to red dwarf, It only completes one orbit around its star 10 days. by contrast, planet c late 20 day To make a complete revolution around the same star.

the a pot It states that this pair of planets is added to the list 10 orbs which provide favorable conditions for sheltering life. These “small worlds” are in the “habitable zone”. governor”, Which means they have Less than 1.5 times the size of Earth or less mass five times that our planet.


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NASA: What are the requirements for a planet to be habitable?

The US Space Agency defines a “living area” As a region in the star’s orbit where there is a chance of finding liquid water on the planet’s surface.

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Life as we know it requires some basic elements, such as liquid water, Solar energy and nutrients. Furthermore, the planet must be in the appropriate region of its orbit around the star, known as the “Goldilocks zoneWhere terms Temperature They help to shelter life in any way.

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A habitable planet also needs to atmospheres It can filter levels harmful radiation Like the Good heavens X and the UV, emanating from the star it orbits. It is important to note that a planet within the habitable zone can have an extension warm temperature, But if he lacks the proper atmosphere, he will not be fit for life.

the rocky planets They are the most promising candidates for hosting life, as long as they meet the above conditions. NASA also suggests that G starsLike us sun, They are the most likely to have planets in orbit It can harbor life, making it the most common in this sense.

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