Flour is highlighted on its International Day

BRUSSELS, March 20 (Prensa Latina) World Flour Day Today appears as relevant to the planet’s main food markets due to the connection of this product to human life.

Spokespersons for the United Nations and other agriculture-related organizations emphasized on Monday that the aim of the date is to recognize the contribution of millers, processors, bakers and farmers, as well as to elegantly celebrate the importance of this essential ingredient in the diet and cooking in general.

Many professionals cannot imagine the world without eating foods made from wheat flour, such as sweets, cakes, pasta, cookies, bread and a host of dishes. With the celebration of this day, the importance of flour in the history of civilization is confirmed, allowing human survival for more than 10 thousand years.

Flour is a common ingredient in most of the world’s cuisines and is produced from grains of wheat, corn, rice, rye, oats, and other cereals and grains.

In contrast, whole-wheat flour uses whole grains and is therefore richer in nutrients, notes the note on the matter posted on the interesting site called diainternacionalde.com.

As a curiosity about this product, the refined and enriched white wheat commonly found in supermarkets is a relatively recent product developed in the 19th century.

This product can be stored for months or even years in a cool dry place. The so-called white gold has been kept in a museum in Wittenberg (Germany), since 2008.

The World Flour Museum contains an extensive collection of 3,500 bags of food from more than 140 countries. RO/RFC

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