Fixing the state's case on austerity in Mexico explains AMLO

In response to a question about the issue in his morning press conference at the National Palace, the President said that if this austerity applied in all 31 states and Mexico City were achieved, no one would be able to gain more than the President of the Republic. They must amend laws and states to conform with the Constitution.

He said that approving the 20th reform package or not will depend on the citizens because in both chambers of Congress where a qualified majority is required to do so, that is, if we win two-thirds of the representatives, he explained that this can be done to members of the Senate because with a simple majority of half plus one it is not possible.

Laws can be reformed by a simple majority, but laws that relate to the Constitution must be approved by two-thirds of legislators in both chambers.

Since we now do not have a qualified majority, we have been unable to implement the reforms we introduced to the 1917 Constitution – which has already lost its spirit and principles and does not guarantee the rights of the majority of Mexicans.

He pointed out that what we want is to return to the Magna Carta its already lost essence, its disappeared social and democratic character, and its forgotten public interest, so that the public interest is always above personal interest.

The people still have to decide in the June elections, which is why I insist on the need to vote for the candidate, for the coalition of parties, and for the nation's project, and not just for the person. He expressed corruption or anti-corruption.

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He admitted that it is not easy, it is complicated, but we have to try. When there is perseverance and conviction, the difficult is achieved. You try to change the impossible, but you have to fight for change. He wondered how many years of corruption, nepotism and tyranny existed in previous governments.

He assumed that his government had not been able to finish cleansing corruption, and there was still a long way to go. He reiterated that corruption comes from the top to the bottom, and not the other way around, because it is created from the top. That's why we went ahead, we cleared it like a ladder, and that allowed us to have a budget that could be fully utilized because there were no distinct minorities.

He explained for the umpteenth time that Mexico's problem does not lie in the lack of budget but in the presence of great corruption, and now there is a better distribution of income, of the budget, more fair and productive, and people will no longer allow a setback, and for this reason we are forced to purify public life.


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