FCFM celebrates 50 years of training specialists in mathematics and 30 years of postgraduate courses

  • In addition to the introduction of a master’s degree in mathematics education

Half a century of training mathematicians, 30 years of graduating teachers and doctors in mathematical physical sciences, and 10 years of creating high profiles of professors in mathematical education, are part of the achievements achieved today by the Faculty of Mathematical Physical Sciences (FCFM) at BUAP. At the anniversary ceremony led by University President María Lilia Cedillo Ramírez.

After praising the work of the Bachelor of Mathematics during these fifty years; 30 years since the establishment of postgraduate courses in applied physics and mathematical sciences; And 10 years of master’s degree in mathematics education, Dr. Cedillo Ramírez highlighted that the professors of this college are role models for many students, who stand out after their graduation as passionate about scientific research.

“It is always fun to see how much they are loved and respected by their students. You are a role model for them and this goes beyond our institution. His career is recognized not only within the country, but also outside it, because the academic quality of graduates of this college is known: they make the best application letters.”

The richness of the academic programs offered by FCFM lies in its faculty, its students, and the institution that hosts them. Likewise, all postgraduate courses taught by this academic unit are registered with the Conahcyt National Postgraduate Programme, reflecting the impact they have. Throughout these 30 years, 1,266 master’s and doctoral students have been graduated.

At this ceremony, Martha Alicia Palomino Ovando, Director of FCFM, said that with more than 70 years of history, this academic unit has left its mark in building knowledge and in training professionals and scholars who maintain high quality standards in the institutions in which they work: all This is because of the conviction to do the job well, because we love science and we love transferring knowledge to new generations.”

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For her part, Dr. Georgina Beltran Pérez, coordinator of the Graduate Program in Science (Applied Physics), noted that the Bachelor’s Program in Mathematics, which was created in 1973, helped train human resources in basic areas such as algebra, geometry and probability. and statistics, among others, which gave continuity to various research activities.

He noted that the average graduation rate for graduate courses remains more than 80 percent, in addition to the fact that the demand for admission is increasing, with students from the states of Baja California, Chiapas, Yucatan, Veracruz, the State of Mexico and Tlaxcala. Recipients as well as countries such as Ecuador, Colombia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Costa Rica.


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