Fatigue is the most common persistent symptom of COVID-19 in different types of the virus

The study compared symptoms during the acute phase and six months after infection with Wuhan, alpha and delta variants of SARS-CoV-2.

Patients with the variant infection, Wuhan, had a higher number of persistent symptoms, and three asymptomatic cases. Photo: shutterstock.

A group of researchers from Rey Juan Carlos University, in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid, compared the sign of illness of the variables SARS-CoV-2presented initially and six months later in three groups of patients with variants – Wuhan, Alpha and Delta – in all cases requiring hospitalization.

The first stage of the search was more sign of illness Continuous, which continues in a downward trend in different versions and with gradual grafting, as a major conclusion, is fatigueIt is a symptom that affects patients in similar proportions, regardless of the type of virus.

“Staying consistent by variables, can be one of the key clinical criteria for defining this disease,” says Cesar Fernandez de las Pinas, MD, professor in the Department of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation, and Physical Medicine at URJC. Although, the amount sign of illness “It’s hard to put together a single diagnostic criterion,” he adds.

Different patients, Wuhan, had more sign of illness In the acute phase, from the rest of the versions, with symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath and sign of illness gastrointestinal tract, feel more common; But in the case of the delta variant, there was more headache and loss of sense of smell.

Fernández de las Pinas asserts that “the presence of anosmia in the delta variant determines that influenza infection should not be talked about in the SARS-CoV-2. These differences were observed in the clinic across the different waves, but we were the first to compare them systematically.”

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The researchers analyzed data from 200 patients while they were in the hospital.

Through telephone follow-up, six months after the acute case, telephone interviews were conducted to find out the status and symptoms of these subjects after admission.

The fatiguepresented similar persistence in the three groups of patients, although there were several groups sign of illness With all kinds of virus.

Patients with the mutant infection, Wuhan, had more sign of illness Continuation, three occasional cases, compared to the rest of the variants, which presented two sign of illnessFrom the general study, dyspnea was the most common, with patients with delta disease reported, as the predominant symptom, hair loss.

“It appears that the incidence of persistent MERS-CoV may be lower over time and with new variants such as Omicron, which may be conditional on vaccination. But it is still a serious problem given the large number of infections that occur,” concludes Juan Torres Macho, researcher at University of California Department of Medicine, co-author of the work.

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