Factor Wellbeing 2021, a look at welfare in organizations

  • Employees and their physical and mental health is the most important thing in organizations, if they are okay then business will be so.
  • Rosalinda Ballesteros, director of the Institute of Well-Being and Happiness Sciences at Universidad Tecmilenio, stresses that positive approaches allow organizations to adapt faster to changes.
  • To measure the level of well-being in organizations, they implement the welfare factor, which is an initiative that measures well-being in organizations in four dimensions.

“When people are good, organizations do well. This is reflected in the reduction in absenteeism, customer turnover, and customer satisfaction because they get better service,” says Rosalinda Ballesteros.

The epidemic showed that collaborators are the most important thing in organizations. Therefore, a positive environment not only helps achieve goals, but also helps adapt to rapid changes, says Ballesteros, director of the Institute for the Sciences of Well-Being and Happiness at Tekmelinho University.

“Organizations that focus on strengths, that understand their mission and vision well, and that encourage employees to be in positive emotional states are more adaptable to change; they achieve a high level of commitment, and they see these changes as opportunities,” he explains.

As a result, organizations implementing positive approaches enjoy sustainable and incremental results over time..

The impact of a positive approach on organizations and how to measure it

Since organizations focus on employees, the Institute for Wellbeing and Happiness Sciences has created an initiative to measure well-being and its impact on the work environment.

Organizations are human systems that always depend on the energy people put into their workHe explains.

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The initiative, called Factor Wellbeing 2021, will measure a positive approach in organizations based on proven models, organized into four dimensions.

1. Employee well-being

All activities designed by the organizations to enhance the physical and mental health care of the collaborators. This includes the work environment where work-life balance occurs.

2. Focus on strengths

This pillar measures whether the organization is using its resources positively. That is, focus on your team’s strengths, not your opportunity areas. For example, when it is known that the team has experience and this will bring loyalty to the organization; Whereas teams lacking expertise can save energy.

3. A positive environment

Leadership practices that foster a good organizational climate; Where open communication is the key and cooperation networks are established between members.

4. Meaningful action

In addition to the financial reward that the organization gives to its collaborators for the tasks they perform, people spend most of their time working. Therefore, it must have meaning and significance.

The director of the Institute of Well-being and Happiness Sciences at Tecmilenio University explains that a person should feel valued in their team for the work that results from it, which also impacts society.

Do you want to be a part of Factor Wellbeing 2021?

To be part of The Welfare Factor 2021, Organizations should appoint a representative who will be in charge of the process. The data will be collected through questionnaires, on a confidential platform.

The companies that decide to participate must have at least 100 collaborators and a turnover of 50 million pesos per year, so that the results are comparable.

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In addition to being a part of the initiative, they will receive a report that will allow them to see where they are strong, as well as in which they have areas of opportunity.

Those organizations that are the best examples will be listed in Business Insider Mexico.

Now read: 3 characteristics of positive leadership – and the benefits for employees and organizations

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