Facebook | So you can prevent strangers from finding your profile | Applications | trick | Tutorial | Smartphone | technology | nda | nnni | SPORTS-PLAY

It is a social network where you can find anyone just by knowing their name, phone number or email, even if they are in another country or continent. To prevent strangers from identifying you with this information, we will teach you how to configure the above-mentioned Meta app in order to enhance the privacy and security of your account.

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Many people in the world, including the elderly, have an account It was created, but they certainly did not enter its configuration, if this is the case, it may display the following personal data: names (full), email, phone number, the city where you live, where you work, civil cities, etc.

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Then we will teach you how to configure your account Facebook social networking site So that no stranger, except your friends, can find your profile. It is important to clarify that this trick can be done if you are browsing from a computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet with Windows, Mac, iOS and Android operating systems.

How to prevent unknown people from searching for your Facebook profile on PC

  • Log in to Facebook social networking site, then tap the down arrow in the upper right corner.
  • Now, click on “Settings” and “Privacy” and then click on “Settings”.
  • Here you will see several options on the left, go to the “Privacy” tab.
  • Scroll down until you find the How Others Can Find You section.
  • Configure so that you decide who (everyone, friends of friends, friends, just you) can send you friend requests, who can see your friends list, who can search for you using number, email address or name and finally, if you want to have search engines outside of Facebook A link to your profile.
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How to prevent unknown people from searching for your Facebook profile on smartphone

  • Open Facebook social networking site And tap on the icon with the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner.
  • Go to the “Settings and privacy” section, then click “Settings”.
  • In contrast to the PC, here the section changes and you specify it with the following name: “General and visibility”.
  • Finally, configure who will be able to find your account Facebook social networking site With the options we mentioned above.

Do you have a problem with Facebook social networking site Do you want to fix it? click And follow the steps to solve the problem you are experiencing with the application. In the meantime, if what you want is to report abuse or other conversations that violate the Facebook Messenger rules, tap the following . You can also shake your smartphone to report a problem.

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