Face-to-face tips for returning to work | companies | Business

Once the economic reactivation began and the measures against COVID-19 eased, many businesses startedn returned to face to face. In the midst of this transition, Adecco Group is making some recommendations to make the process easier.

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According to figures from DANE, currently approximately 89% of workers have returned to offices under various forms such as rotation, mixed work, and face-to-face work, in many cases, defined by Sector type and business of each company.

At the outset, they stress the importance of having effective communication with employees. “A conversation about the concerns of process collaborators is essential to avoid high levels of stress in adapting to new direct care operations and challenges.‘, they explain.

In contrast, having a file adaptation process. This means that there must be a companion in the process of coping with being face-to-face and avoiding situations that cause mental health problems. According to the Ministry of Health, employees may experience high levels of stress upon their return due to the physical conditions of the office, travel times for work or distance from their families.

According to Dane, 19% of Colombian workers do not want to return to face-to-face training.

Also, it is important to implement Return protocols and biosecurity. For this reason, Adecco recommends taking into account three important aspects:

• Intermittent opening: In the process of returning to face-to-face attendance, one alternative is the gradual opening of offices, ensuring the care and safety of collaborators. Likewise, he achieved mixed work, with the aim that not all workers would be personal on the same days.

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• Continuing with self-care: One of the main recommendations of the national government regarding the implementation of the new measures is to maintain biosafety protocols. To achieve this, it is important that the business owner provides everything necessary to achieve this purpose.

• Reorganization of the office: in order to achieve a distance in line with what is stipulated by the authorities, in many cases, it becomes necessary to define the working space of each of the collaborators.

Finally, they realize how important it is Redesign work schedules To offer a flexible model where remote work is an option. Besides, invest in ICT and improve the company’s cyber security. Also, improve digital skills and protect vulnerable workers from potential diseases.

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Finally, increase productivity and work-life balance.


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