Exports: Customs has set reference values ​​for pears and apples

Today, the General Administration of Customs has set the reference value for the export of five varieties of apples and another five of pears, in order to identify abusive maneuvers in foreign trade.

Through General Resolution 4974/2021, published on Monday in the Official Gazette, the regulations regarding the exports of these two fruits set their value between $ 0.55 and $ 0.88, depending on each variety.

In the case of overseas sales of pears and apples, these values ​​will apply to Belgium, Denmark, Spain, France, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. The United States, Sweden, Germany, Russia, the United States, Canada, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. With these values, the agency sets witness pricing as a tool to detect low bills in exports.

Thus, customs seeks to identify deviations from normal values ​​for identical or similar goods.

These reference prices are the first control in ads to protect the financial interest.

Customs highlighted this tool that was dismantled during the previous government and began re-establishing it in December 2019, as part of the new administration’s foreign trade inspection and control strategy. With 340,000 tons of pears, Argentina ranks fifth as a global exporter and around 100,000 tons of apples, at 15. The main destinations for Argentine pear exports are Brazil, Russia, the United States and Italy.

In the case of apples, the main destinations are Brazil, Paraguay, Russia, Germany, and the United States. The new general resolution adds to the reference values ​​(for export) and benchmark values ​​(for import) that were restored in recent months.

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In the case of reference values, garlic, pork, tomatoes, beef, berries, powdered milk, onions, potatoes, raisins and sea bass were also exported. Import standard values ​​for headphones and radiators for central heating have been re-applied, in addition to adjusting applicable values ​​for musical instrument tuners and supplementing them for polyester textiles and artificial teeth.

GCH / KDV is not available

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