Experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences will investigate Unne

Jin and Yan, both from the Moscow Academy of Sciences, participated yesterday in the update conference “Invertebrate Paleontology”, organized by the Faculty of Exact, Natural and Surveying Sciences of La En (Vacina) jointly with the Center for Applied Ecology of the Coast (Cecoal), the Phanerozoic Continental Paleontology and Paleoen Pierre Group .

Doctors Rasnitsyn and Yan visit Corrientes and are affiliated with the Arthropod Laboratory, Borissiak Palaeontological Institute, and the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia).

Students from biology and related disciplines participated in the conferences that also had speakers Oscar Gallego and Mathieu Montferrand of Cecoal. With the aim of providing a space for extracurricular updating for students of professions related to biology from Facena and other academic units, the conferences were held within the framework of the activities programmed in connection with the 50th anniversary of Cecoal in a hybrid way, in the postgraduate classrooms of Facena and through the Zoom platform virtually.

The organizers emphasized that on this occasion, it was also possible to highlight previous procedures carried out by the Facena research group over the past 20 years. All these activities aim to provide students with a permanent update by contacting their colleagues from abroad and from our country and in this way allow them to learn about other ways and modes of sharing the knowledge generated in the research laboratories.

During their residency, with physicians Oscar F. Gallego, Mateo D. Monferran, and María Belén Lara, they will also develop research assignments related to the Phanerozoic Continental Paleontology and Paleoen Ecological Cluster within Project PI-18Q005 “Triassic-Jurassic Continental Invertebrates of the Argentina: Diversity, Evolution, and Ecological Context archaic” (Seggyr-Unne) in particular with regard to fossil insects of the Triassic and Jurassic periods of Argentina and Colombia that have been provisionally deposited

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