Expert Services and Forensic Science staff receive training in the role of the expert in oral trials

In recent days, employees of the General Directorate of Expert Services and Forensic Sciences of the State Prosecutor's Office (FGE) have received training on the role of expert in oral trials, as part of the training and training they have scheduled during the year and whose objectives include maintaining their skills.

Through the course called “Oral Trial Simulation”, coordinated by the Quality Management Area of ​​the Directorate of Expert Services and Forensic Sciences, as well as by the General Directorate of Vocational Training and Education of this institution, the participants were provided with elements of the development of argumentative training so that the resulting technical-scientific standards are revealed. To properly perform their functions in trials and serve as objective evidence that contributes to clarifying the facts that are the subject of investigations. By prosecutors and investigating police.

Among the benefits that participants gain are being certified staff, accurately communicating their specialized work both through body language and verbally, and allowing the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experts to mitigate expert evidence orally, in addition. To be able to make a diagnosis whose results show areas of opportunity.

With the implementation of these academic activities, the Prosecutor's Office reaffirms its commitment to continue training professional staff and continue providing high-quality services for the benefit of the people of Colima.

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