Everything Prince William inherited as Prince of Wales

Created in 1337 by King Edward III, the property is nearly worth it $1.2 billionAccording to your calculations for the last fiscal year. His website says the income from the estate is “used to fund the public, private and charitable activities” of the Duke of Cornwall. This title is now held by Prince William, as in The title of Prince of Wales .

The sarcophagus carrying the sarcophagus carried by Queen Elizabeth II has been moved from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Palace
William and Harry with their wives

By far the largest slice of the family’s fortune, is the £16.5 billion Crown Estate (19 billion dollars), which now belongs to King Charles as the ruling monarch. But under an agreement dating back to 1760, the king gives all the proceeds of the inheritance to the government in exchange for a portion called the Sovereign Grant.

according to CNNIn the last financial year, the property generated a net profit of approximately £313 million (361 million dollars). Of that, the British Treasury paid the Queen a sovereign grant of 86 million pounds ($100 million). On the other hand, most of this money is spent on maintaining the royal family’s property and paying the salaries of its employees.


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