Euro 2028 will be held in the United Kingdom and Ireland, while Euro 2032 will be held in Italy and Turkey.


Euro Cup

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UEFA confirmed on Tuesday the venues for the 2028 and 2032 European Men’s Championships, with the conference to be held in Germany before that in June and July 2024.

Euskaraz irakurri: 2028ko Eurokopa Erresuma Batuan eta Irish jokatuko dute, eta 2032koa Italian and Turkish

the Euro Cup to Men’s Football to 2028 It will be played in United Kingdom and Irelandand that is from 2032 in Italy and TurkeyAs confirmed by UEFA on Tuesday, the European Cup now officially includes the stadiums where the next three editions will be held since then. The most pressing event, which will be held between June 14 and July 14, 2024, will take place in Germany.

Thus, the Turkish Football Federation made a strategic move that created a puzzle that would satisfy all countries aspiring to host the European Championship in the coming years. Turkey had chosen to host the 2028 European Championship, but without much chance of success due to the candidacy of the United Kingdom and Ireland; finally, it decided to withdraw from this race, and focus on running alongside Italy in the 2032 event.

Thus, the United Kingdom (i.e. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and Ireland had no rivals to host Euro 2028, which will have several stadiums: Two will be in London (Wembley for the final likely), and Manchester, Newcastle, Belfast, Birmingham, Liverpool, Cardiff, Dublin and Glasgow will have one.

Around 2032, Italy and Turkey teamed up to ensure both countries could host the tournament and leave no one without a prize. This double bid impressed UEFA, and It will have five offices in Italy and five more in Türkiye.; and will be confirmed in October 2026.

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