EU mask declines as the bloc uses Sturgeon’s independence to destabilize Brexit | United Kingdom | News

The UK left the block on January 31, and in less than a month, the transition period will be over as well. It is a new chapter in the country’s national history and should see the United Kingdom return to being an independent and sovereign nation. However, not everyone in the UK has given up on EU membership.

Although Prime Minister Boris Johnson has repeatedly rejected her calls for independence, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is determined to hold a second referendum in the spring of 2021.

The SNP leader believes the Scots are being “dragged” out of the bloc against their will.

However, while Brexit may have made Scotland’s independence issue stronger, it made it more difficult in practice.

If Scotland became independent, it would border a non-EU country, and would likely require infrastructure and border checks between regions whose societies are severely intertwined – similar to the Irish border problem that has so far held Brexit talks.

Brussels could reject Scotland as well due to its current deficit of seven per cent of GDP, unless it adopts a strict EU austerity program as well as the prospect of accepting the euro.

Moreover, allowing new members to join the bloc can only be done by unanimous vote from the current member states – and Holyrood will undoubtedly raise the feathers if he joins.

Spain is struggling with the same demands for secession, from Catalonia, which means the country is likely to distance itself from supporting a newly independent state.

In an exclusive interview with, Italian MP Marco Campuminossi emphasized that the chances of an independent Scotland joining the European Union are very low.

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Former Foreign Secretary and Co-Leader of the Social Democratic Party said: “I think we should start moving towards a different position towards Scotland.

“If they really want to leave, they should be allowed to leave at the end.

But they must face reality and have a sound and honest discussion.

Will they be allowed in the European Union?

“Is Spain? With all the problems they face in Barcelona …

“As you know, there are five European countries that still do not allow Kosovo to be independent. They fear legalization of secession from states.”

Al-Nazeer added: “And let’s not forget Belgium.

“They are sitting on a very difficult arrangement between two parts of Belgium, and they will not legitimize the division of a country.

“Once you allow it, you open a can of worms.”

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