Elena Rios denounces her assailant bribed judges to get out of prison

Maria Elena Rios, a saxophonist who was the victim of an attempted femicide after being attacked with acid, denounced corruption in the judiciary in Oaxaca; And that his assailant, former deputy Juan Antonio Vera Carrizal, could be released by Amparo.

The politician is currently on trial for attempted femicide and the grievance seeks to reclassify his case for “injuries”, thus facing trial freely.

“Since I am already talking and playing and talking to you, he sees me very well and asks him to come down to the wounds (…) The fact that I am trying to get my life back does not excuse him and his son and his family life and people who kill women just like him.”

Read: Saxophonist Maria Elena Rios accuses the federal authorities of taking protective measures against her

Elena Rios reports that Oaxaca’s attorney general, Arturo Pimbert Calvo, has issued some votes in which the deputy’s daughter, Guadalupe Vera, has expressed “the payment has already been arranged” with Judges Arturo Lazaro Leon de la Vega, Elizabeth Roxana López Luna and Angel Alejo Torres adjudicating a proceeding The amparo is in their favour.

In light of this, the FGR has been asked to initiate an investigation against Vera Karizal, her daughter and her attorney for influence peddling, corruption, bribery and abuse of power.

“Unfortunately, they intend to corrupt the law with their money, which is why I contact the Treasury of the Republic, Alejandro Gertz Manero, and to the Chief Minister, Arturo Zaldivar.”

Read: Returning to life after an acid attack, a long and difficult process to recover

This morning, Elena Ríos went to the National Palace to ask President Andres Manuel López Obrador for help so that the Attorney General of the Republic would bring her case and justice would be served.

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He declared that “there is no legal justification for the release of my attacker, and there is no justification, if the amparo judges release him today, it will only be because of acts of corruption, abuse of power and bribery.”

A few days ago, he denounced that the federal authorities had suspended the protective measures he had taken during his transfers to Mexico City to continue the operation against one more of his assailants, who is still at liberty, and to continue serving your health.

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