El Salvador’s coffee exports fell by 29.4% at the beginning of the new cycle

A report by the El Salvadoran Coffee Council (CSC) indicates that total income from grain exports amounted to $2.78 million in October, while $3.94 million was accounted for in the same month of the 2021-2022 cycle.

Income from exporting coffee from El Salvador fell by 29.4% in the first month of the 2022-2023 cycle, according to official figures consulted by EFE on Monday.

A report by the El Salvadoran Coffee Council (CSC) indicates that total income from grain exports amounted to $2.78 million in October, while $3.94 million was accounted for in the same month of the 2021-2022 cycle.

Sales volume increased from 21,019 quintals to 10,163 quintals, down 51.6% from 23,350 quintals harvested, according to official figures.

The main buyers of this grain, whose harvesting cycle in El Salvador begins in October and ends in September, are the United States (56%), Taiwan (9%), Belgium (8%), Korea (7%) and the United States. Kingdom (4%) and Saudi Arabia (6%).

In the 2021-2022 cycle, El Salvador exported a total of 702,779 quintals, with revenues of more than $167.8 million and a yield of 1.91 million quintals of gold grapes.

During the previous harvest season, 46,102 job opportunities were provided in the coffee sector, while in the first month of the current cycle, there are 1,168 jobs.

CSC data indicates that in the 2021-2022 cycle, 922,040 quintals of gold grapes were harvested, without the country regaining production levels recorded before 2013, when it exceeded 1.7 million quintals. Coffee is the main agricultural export product of this Central American country.

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Coffee cultivation in El Salvador has been affected by the rust fungus and the climate crisis, prompting it to record its lowest historical levels in grain production since the 2013-2014 cycle.

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