“Breaking”, he calls the former player’s situation in Afghanistan

London, United Kingdom. refugee in Denmark, former captain of the Afghanistan women’s team, Khaleda Bhopal, also…

How does it affect the Argentine economy?

According to a study by the World Bank, more than 30 million Hispanics currently live in…

Afghanistan: Evacuations advance in Afghanistan after scenes of chaos at the airport

Madrid, 17 ago. (European Press) – The process of evacuating foreign nationals and Afghan collaborators from…

Avanza Foods has appointed Rosa Carvalho as Director of Marketing and Communications

pink oak A new Director of Marketing and Communications has been appointed for the company Avanza…

Thinking of traveling? Learn about the Latin American countries that opened their borders and the ongoing restrictions America

closed borders Chile At least 80% of Chile’s target population has been vaccinated, but it has…

Biodiversity and climate change: the focus of international meetings

the climate change and the Biodiversity They constitute the main topics for discussion at upcoming meetings…

La Jornada – Mexicans’ deposits in foreign banks fell 5.9% in one year

Deposits and investments by residents of Mexico in foreign banks, debt and companies decreased by 5.9…

The world may never achieve herd immunity to COVID-19

Poor Bloomberg When COVID-19 emerged last year, governments around the world promoted hope for “herd immunity”,…

The Taliban enters Kabul and the West begins the evacuation | Economie

The Taliban militia entered the Afghan capital, Kabul, completing its rapid occupation of the country in…

National banks promote a green and sustainable financing project in northern Argentina

A group of national credit entities, including Nación, Macro, Corrientes and Formosa banks and with the…