EBAU 2024: What is the cut-off point to study medicine in Spain?

EBAU tests in Asturias. (Europe Press)

Occupation has great weight when choosing a career. It’s strange to hear a kid say they want to be an aerospace engineer or a linguist. But yes, we have all played doctors at some point and have been curious about the human body, diseases, treatments, care… and this is how Medicine is one of the most in-demand professions.. And also, of course, because of the higher job placement rate after six years of postgraduate study and another four or five years of MIR training. It is the longest career and one of the most competitive and prestigious jobs in healthcare.

Once you have completed EBAU 2024, it is now time to see the grades and choose a career and university. Medicine remains the profession with the highest cut-off mark in the Spanish university system. However, the range of opportunities available to those who wish to study this profession expands every year, with a Continuous increase in the number of places available. Spain has become the country with the highest number of medical schools per capita.

These are the dividing marks for access to medicine in the 2004/2023 academic year in public universities, according to the Notasdecorte.es website:

  • university Miguel Hernandez from Elche: 13.32
  • University of Valencia: 13.44
  • university Complutense Madrid: 13.31
  • University of Alicante: 13.31
  • university James I of Castellon: 13.37
  • University of Seville: 13.25
  • university Autonomy of Madrid: 13.20
  • University of Murcia: 13.16
  • university King Juan Carlos: 13.12
  • University of Alcala: 13.12
  • University of Grenade: 13.12
  • University of Malaga: 13.09
  • University of Cádiz: 13.05
  • University of Cordoba: 13.04
  • University of Almeria: 13.01
  • University of Jane: 12.98
  • University of Salamanca: 12.97
  • Public University Navarre: 12.95
  • University of Extremadura: 12.91
  • University of Valladolid: 12.91
  • University of Castilla-La Mancha (Ciudad Real): 12.87
  • University of Castilla-La Mancha (Albacete): 12.86
  • University of Oviedo: 12.86
  • University of the lake (Tenerife): 12.83
  • University of Grand Canary palm trees: 12.79
  • University of them Balearic Islands: 12.70
  • University of Cantabria: 12.69
  • University of Santiago de Compostela: 12.69
  • University of Zaragoza: 12.65
  • university Pompeo Fabra (Barcelona): 12.64
  • University of Zaragoza (Huesca): 12.60
  • University of Barcelona: 12.53
  • University of Basque country: 12.49
  • university Barcelona’s autonomy: 12.48
  • University of Lida: 12.47
  • University of Girona: 12.47
  • university Rivera and Virgili: 12.44
Students at the College of Communication Sciences in Santiago. (European press)

The most demanding is the University of Valencia. However, according to various academic rankings, the University of Barcelona (UB) stands out among the best universities in Spain to study medicine, followed by other prestigious institutions such as the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). ). These centers are distinguished by the quality of their education, advanced research and rigorous training programs in the medical field.

See also  UAM has graduated three doctors in cognitive sciences and one in engineering

As for private universities, only one of them requires a final grade, but it is less than the public university. It is the Central University of Catalonia that requires a 11.4. The rest that can be studied is:

  • Camilo Jose Cela University
  • Francisco de Vitoria University
  • CEU Cardinal Herrera University
  • University of Navarra
  • Catholic University of Murcia
  • CEU Cardinal Herrera University
  • University of Deusto

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