Does Netflix have plans to buy Roku?

As you read in our headline, Netflix, the world’s most popular streaming company, is about to buy Roku; One of the most important manufacturers of broadcasting devices.

How true is this? Although there is no communication from either party, the news comes interested in tradewho reported that specialist sources on the matter revealed that Roku is in acquisition negotiations with Netflix.

Roku could add some credibility to this by deciding to close stock deals to its employees; Who in “normal” situations can sell their shares at any time they want. Remember that this type of “action” is taken when companies are about to announce something that will directly affect the value of the shares; Something that employees with relevant information benefit from.

What will be Netflix’s plans when acquiring Roku?

Despite the fact that as we mentioned at the beginning, there is no confirmation from any quarter that Netflix might acquire Roku; It brings us many questions, among which we find Why buy Netflix Roku? The simplest answer is that the broadcasting company wants to create their own device to broadcast their service.

Another possibility is that Netflix wants to make its own TVs, just as SKY does in the UK. This wouldn’t be unreasonable, as we remember that Roku already has alliances with companies like TCL to integrate its system into their TVs.

To tell the truth, the intentions behind this purchase are not known with certainty; However, it is impossible not to think that it can be a measure of exclusivity for its users. In this way we are trying to counteract the losses of recent months.

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Everything so far is just speculation, so we will have to wait for official information from Roku or Netflix.

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