Do not share the recording when Romero Telici is appointed as Director of CIDE

National council for science and technologyCONASET) Ignores in artificial intelligence (National Transparency Institute) again refuses to share information about the act of appointment Jose Antonio Romero Telici Director of the Center for Economic Research and TeachingMr).

In response to a request for information requesting audio recordings of the sessions in which Romero Telaci’s appointment was validated and formalized, made by CIDE student Diego Mischer, Consett responded on 11 July that the Communications Coordination “does not have the powers to create or protect files or documents issued by sessions Board of Directors of the Public Research Centers of Connakit. He also said that he did not initially turn over the transcript because by the time he submitted his application, the document was “under notarization.”

This isn’t the first time Kunsett has refused to share information about the act, something the political science and international relations student has been dealing with back and forth since February, the month he submitted his request for information to both the board, as CIDE.

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CIDE responded to Micher in March that they had not received a recording of the Romero Tellaeche appointment from Conacyt, even though they had requested it. In April, Kunasset kept the information, arguing that it was in the middle of the grievance procedure. In light of this response, Micher filed a complaint with INAI, an organization that decided on June 27 that there was “no place for reservations” and that the information should be shared.

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“Conacyt is obligated, and acknowledged by INAI, to share the recordings (of the session at which Romero Tellaeche was appointed Director of CIDE) or, in the absence of them, to say that it does not own them,” Micher explains. Interview.

However, despite INAI’s instructions, Conacyt did not present the recordings or confirm their absence, but indicated that the Communications Coordination did not have the function of creating and protecting the information generated in Board sessions.

At the end of June, Kunsett published minutes, without institutional signatures or seals, of the appointment of Romero Telici as director of CIDE. Micher explains that with this document, the Board makes it clear that the audio recordings of the said session do exist, as they should have been used to create the minutes. “There is a transcript of this event (session) already posted, and for the transcript to exist, the recording must exist,” the student declares.

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Micher notes that Kunsett’s evasion could present two scenarios: “They have the audio recordings and don’t want to give them to me, which is disdain for INAI.” The second is that the audio recordings do not exist and they do not want to admit it, because that means that the recording they published is fabricated, “and the absence of the recordings would make the recording illegal,” he said.

Due to the refusal of the new Conacyt, Micher will submit a new request for information, as he makes it clear that there is no opportunity to submit a “complaint about the previous complaint” to INAI, but in any case, it will be to send a notification about what happened but the Institute is on vacation.

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