Discover a planet completely covered in water

Water World TOI-1452 b Ocean Planet
Scientists have discovered a planet called TOI-1452 b. Photo: Benoit Gougeon/University of Montreal

An international team of researchers from the University of Montreal and the Institute for Research on Exoplanets announced The discovery of a planet called TOI-1452 b completely covered in watersuch as the 1995 movie starring Kevin Kosner, The Aquatic World.

The new watery world has been discovered in a binary system orbiting the star TOI-1452, located in the constellation of Draco, around 100 light years from Earth.

The research led by Charles Kedio of the University of Montreal has been published in Astronomical Journalwhere it shows that an exoplanet, known as TOI-1452 b is larger in size and mass than Earth; The distance traveled by its star allows for a temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to exist on its surface.

Astronomers think it could be “Planet Ocean”That is, it will be completely covered by a thick layer of water, similar to some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

TOI-1452 b is about 70% larger than Earth and five times its mass; Its density can indicate that It has a very deep circumference. But more research will be needed.

It should be emphasized that it is a “water world”

Oceanic planets were imagined a long time ago But it is difficult to confirmand TOI-1452 b is no different, NASA explains.

The US space agency notes that if TOI-1452 b is presented as a “water world”, Your surroundings may be too deep. Although the Earth’s surface is made up of 70% water, the terrestrial sea accounts for less than 1% of the Earth’s mass.

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A simulation of TOI-1452b, created by computer specialists from the team of scientists who made the discovery, showed that Water can account for up to 30% of its mass.

TOI-1452 b makes a full orbit of its star every 11 days, it will be a period of “a year” on this planet. But since the red dwarf orbits smaller and cooler than the Sun, liquid water may be present on the planet’s surface.

NASA confirms that the planet TOI-1452 b should be examined by the James Webb Space Telescope; And because it is 100 light-years away, it is very close from an astronomical point of view. god It should allow you to capture a spectrum of starlight to check if it’s an ocean planet.

Researchers from the discovery team say that Will search to schedule an appointment at Web To take a closer look.

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