Digital mammography has revolutionized the early and effective detection of breast cancer

Of all the cancers present and affecting women, breast cancer is the most prevalent, with a mortality rate of 25.4%.

Dr. Angela Mendes, Radiologist at Metro Pavia Santurci Hospital.

mammogram is The study Rays that are still the protective ally against it cancer from chest in women.

This is what he referred to Dr. Angela MendesAnd hospital radiologist Subway Pavia Santurcithrough the program Get in touch with your specialist How do Part of the special programming from Medicine s Public Health (MSP) in it Awareness month s Breast Cancer AwarenessIt is celebrated all over the world.

The radiologist said, referring to Technology is a great ally At the time of breast cancer detection, it allows more visibility and better contrast of the detected lumps.

The various tools that are currently used thanks to the doctor, facilitate the diagnosis more and better, since the main element, as the expert explained, is the sharpness, which is achieved by digital mammographyallowing an estimate in detail whether there is any degree of descaling and/or infection.

This is how digital mammography has revolutionized Early and effective detection For breast cancer, because “this technique is very useful, as you can clearly see what is happening inside breast Dense, i.e. those breasts that look white and have a lot of glandular tissue,” explained the lead radiologist who established the biopsies program guided MRI The former president of American society from cancer in Puerto Rico.

Advanced and highly effective studies

There are many studies available to effectively diagnose and treat breast cancer.

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Digital mammography: A low-dose X-ray is used that allows early detection of breast cancer in women through imaging.

Tomosynthesis: a three-dimensional study through millimeter images in which the breast gland is deeply analyzed, thus removing tissue overlap and thus making a better diagnosis.

Ultrasound: This study is done by means of sound waves that generate images, which later allow us to check if there is any type of lump in the breast or any other abnormalities.

Breast MRI: It is performed when there is any doubt about the diagnosed and high-risk patients, and it is used to evaluate potential tumors.

“Previous studies, apart from being new and rapid, allow the expert to be clear about whether there is a need to attack the cancer immediately through biopsy, or if, on the contrary, they give indications for starting early treatment to avoid referring to the radiologist.”

All these studies have proven to be effective if the patients know their breasts are alternating, and this includes their palpation, and if in the worst case they feel something abnormal, they should go to an expert to evaluate it, as we should not forget that early detection saves it. spirits.

Diagnosis and early detection stage

“With digital mammography we can use breast ultrasound to evaluate lumps, which can be solid or cystic,” the specialist explained, noting the degree of benignity that can be found in lumps in the breasts, as this allows clarifying whether they are benign Or, conversely, require a biopsy of the breast, which can also be guided by ultrasound if necessary.

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Regarding early detection, the radiologist emphasized that discrimination testing is done at an early age, so “it is important that patients undergo discreet mammograms from the age of 40, in order to be able to diagnose breast cancer early when it is not obvious. This way we can make sure that This patient will recover 95% of the time.”

The voices of experts who are part of the medical community are being raised more forcefully in October to alert and educate women about the importance of early detection of breast cancer, which is only possible with year-round mammograms.

“If you have a family history from your mother or sisters, you are a candidate for a mammogram or an MRI if needed, it all depends on the extent to which a member of your family has had breast cancer,” the mammography specialist explained.

The radiologist emphasized with regard to the age of onset when there is a family history, because if a close person developed cancer, for example, at the age of forty, the genetic component usually begins ten years earlier.

Risk factors associated with breast cancer

“Patients with early menopause present an increased risk factor for breast cancer,” Dr. MendezWho in turn stressed the importance of experiencing discrimination at an early stage, but above all how important it is to know the body and the changes that occur with age.

Many biopsies performed today are percutaneous, which means that there is no need to go to the surgeon. This is vital, especially when young women with a genetic background go to the specialist to find out if there is any type of malignant mass in their breast.

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Some studies have focused on the fact that risk factors for breast cancer are diverse, many of which are related to genetic issues, advanced age, reproductive history, previous treatments with radiotherapy, hormone intake, as well as the rise and fall of weight.

The radiologist stressed that “patients who gain or lose weight can be affected, as fatty tissue is lost and vice versa. Therefore, it is important to palpate and determine if there is any type of discharge or sinking into the nipple.”

As a last consideration, the doctor advised all women that it is essential to know your body and to recognize any change present in the breasts and any irregular change observed before menopause, they should see a specialist as soon as possible.

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