Defense admitted military health care list

Margarita Robles, Minister of Defense.

The Ministry of Defense On Saturday, I published the list of students who will study a degree in military health. as specified by Official Gazette (BOE)The Directorate General of Military Recruitment and Education determines the list of applicants proposed to be recruited as students for admission to military educational training centers to integrate as a professional military officer or affiliation as a military officer supplementing the Officer Scale and the Nursing Officer Scale of the Military Health Corps in Armed forces.

Based on the nurse trainingled Caroline Oakes makes split Three core disciplines: Medicine, pharmacology and veterinary medicine. according to medicine specialtyThere will be a total of 11 new students enrolling directly and There is no previous medical specialty. Likewise, the majors chosen by students are: Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (2); Orthopedics and Traumatology (1); Family and Community Medicine (2); General and Gastrointestinal Surgery (2); Medical Oncology (1); Radiation Oncology (1); Radiological diagnosis (1) and pulmonology (1).

As for those nurses who applied With a previous medical specialty They chose internal medicine and family and community medicine. In addition, the document also recognizes the distribution of students who will directly enter the Basic specialty of pharmacyThere will be 8 students.

Military Health Corps Officer Scale

according to Military Health Corps Officer ScaleIt is one of the basic specialties in medicine, selection processes were made for admission to military educational training centers, through direct admission and promotion forms, without the need to obtain a previous university degree.

Students who will enter directly into the Military Health Authority in Medicine major will have a total of 25 students. In addition, the resolution also provides for the promotion of a body change involving three students, the promotion of a body change through credits passed with one student, and, finally, an internal promotion student.

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Although it may contain statements, statements or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader to consult a health professional for any health-related questions.

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