Cutting-edge technology in the field of exact sciences at IEST Anáhuac – El Sol de Tampico

he Ist Anahuac It was distinguished by the introduction of A Integrated formation to students in Human and technological with Continuous improvement approach Above all Responsibility towards the environment and societyin this occasion They shared all the details that surrounds Division of Exact Scienceswhich has high-level infrastructure, equipment and advanced technology.

Christian Edgardo Hernandez Estrella, boss Division of Exact SciencesHe explains that the institution has a long history in training engineers, as it has done so Educational programs those who have Innovation goalcontribute to Search for solutions Solve social problems efficiently, through active teaching methodologies such as challenge-based learning, creating new projects, as well as developing student training, To have an impact In the industrial and commercial sector.

They accredit students in specialized programs

“The main goal of IEST Anáhuac is comprehensive training and student values. Our engineers have a wide scope of work as they can work in various fields and specializations, for example, quality systems, operations, production, innovation, robotics, applications, web companies and digital companies, and also hold management or executive positions in the sector Industrial, commercial, technological and financial.

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Another relevant feature is emphasized internationalization Which is provided to the student Through academic and research exchangeAnd study trips Professional practices Such as the program with BOSCH Germany. next to They accredit students in specialized programs And tools like SAP, ASPEN, CISCO, MATLAB, SIX SIGMA, etc.

Geometric block

This was explained by the distinguished professor The Department of Exact Sciences aims to become a multidisciplinary engineering group recognized in the region at a business levelas well as being an excellent reference in the educational community, presenting IEST in National rankings, Through innovation and Adopting technology, continuous updating, and searching for continuous improvement.

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“Business relations will also be extremely important to achieve close involvement of the productive sector in the educational work of the Institute. It is important to highlight that one of the aims of the Engineering Department is to become an ambitious unit for future students, with our students and graduates acting as promoters of their experience at IEST.”recipe.

He pointed out that the institution encourages… Entrepreneurship from the first semester By researching and learning about Jobs And innovative ideas through Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIEM) which supports projects for their development and implementation.

Projects and workplaces

It should be noted that students participated in this Projects that seek to improve the environmentThat's why they teamed up to develop the Tree Project with Water lily filterswhere she works with A A prototype aimed at absorbing polluting gases from the air Particles present in various media, exist Significant environmental and social impact.

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“Projects cover different areas, for example 3D printing, which includes manufacturing prototypes and parts for developing new products or designing tools. Students can develop interdisciplinary projects to design and print their own prototypes and parts for weapons, robots and prosthetics that are used in research projects and competitions.” “

He concluded his speech by emphasizing that Graduates of IEST engineering courses Owns Jobs In various productive sectors.

This is definitely a Great advantagein addition to the presence of Latest technology there is chance Exact Sciences of IEST Anáhuac

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