Cuba successfully developed the National Cochlear Implant Program (+ video) for 25 years › Cuba › Granma

Each year, 70 to 80 Cuban children are nominated for a high-tech implantable device that will help them with language rehabilitation and social integration as part of the National Cochlear Implant Program, which has been successfully developed in Cuba for 25 years.

As part of this completely free national service, children with multiple disabilities, including deafness and blindness, are given priority, according to the Ministry of Public Health on its website. approach; She has a specialized cochlear implant and complex ear surgery service located at Boras Marfan Children’s Hospital in Havana.

The first single-channel extra-cochlear implantation was performed in Cuba in 1987. Ten years later, in 1997, multi-channel cochlear implants began at Hermanos Amigiras Hospital.

In total, to date, 528 implants have been performed, 38 of which are for deaf-blind children, as it is the only alternative to achieve communication.

Minsap states that since 2009, World Cochlear Implant Day is celebrated on February 25, when doctors Andrei Djorno and Charles Ayers performed the first cochlear implant on this date in 1957. It also begins World Hearing Week, which culminates on March 3 World Hearing Day.

According to World Health Organization figures, three out of every thousand children are born with severe bilateral hearing loss and one percent of them will need a cochlear implant.

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