Cuba reiterates its total rejection of nuclear tests

Cuba reiterates its rejection of nuclear tests

Havana, August 29 (ACN) Bruno Rodriguez BarillaToday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs renewed his commitment Cuba with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

On the occasion of the International Day against these Tests, on his Twitter account, the Cuban Foreign Minister called for the speedy entry into force of this document in order to move towards nuclear disarmament.

The United Nations General Assembly declared August 29 the International Day Against Nuclear Tests with the aim of drawing world attention to the gravity of this issue and urging united action.

The official website of the United Nations states that “since the start of nuclear tests in 1945, more than two thousand tests have been carried out, which have had dire consequences for humanity.”

According to that publication, this International Day acquires even greater significance if one considers that contemporary atomic weapons are becoming increasingly powerful and destructive.

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However, the international instrument prohibiting such tests, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (1996), has not yet entered into force.

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