Cuba achieves its goals in preserving the ozone layer ‘The World’ Granma

Photo: Taken from Peru.

Cuba is a signatory to the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol (ratified in 1992) and their subsequent amendments, Cuba strictly complies with the commitments made to reduce and phase out ozone-depleting substances within established deadlines.

Among the important results achieved in the country under the guidance of the Technical Office for Ozone, the complete elimination of CFCs in domestic and commercial refrigeration, the replacement of these compounds in the manufacture of pharmaceutical aerosols, and the complete suppression of methyl bromide in the fumigation of tobacco seedlings, coffee nurseries and protected crops.

With the introduction of modern technology, the consumption of ODS has been recently eliminated in the production of polyurethane foam used in the manufacture of building insulation panels, refrigeration equipment and pharmaceutical containers that require a certain temperature to be maintained, to name a few.

For these results, 17 service and production enterprises deserved national recognition to permanently phase out the use of ozone-depleting substances, which is granted on September 16 by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (Citma), on the occasion of the celebration of World Protection Day. Ozone Layer.

Helen Rodriguez, Communications Specialist at the Center for Information Management and Energy Development (Cupenergia), said, granma that the distinct entities in 2021 are Las Conchas I and El Caney Hotels, both in Varadero, Matanzas; Floreale in Villa Clara; As well as San Basilio, San Feliz, and Enramada, of the Ciudad Hotel Complex, in Santiago de Cuba.

Also on the list are the Octavio de la Concepción y de la Pedraja Children’s Hospital, the Mecánica del Níquel Comandante Gustavo Machín, Servicios Ingenieros Hidráulicos Este Cauce, and the Comandante René Ramos Latour, all from Holguín Province.

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Completing the list is newspaper company UEB Gráfica Villa Clara; Villa Clara Offset Graphic Agency; Palma Soriano Factory, owned by Empresa Mixta Compacto Caribe SA, and Yacabo Abajo, Cajobabo, Yunque and Duaba Camps in Guantanamo.

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